Friday Jan 29, 2016
Friday Jan 29, 2016
Friday Jan 29, 2016
The other night I went to an open house that was held by friend Dana Van Enkevort at his new office. I met some people and I met a man named Jeff whose father disappeared over Lake Michigan, it made me think of the Great Lakes Triangle. Then as he continued to talk, he told me that two other men were on the plane with him and it was an aha moment. When I first moved back up here in 1985 there was a woman who worked as our receptionist and she talked about her husband disappearing over Lake Michigan, and she always seemed to think he was still alive even though it had been more than a couple of years. I wish I would have known then what I know now, and that he possibly could be still alive. Was her husband one of the men who disappeared with Jeff's father? That would be a crazy coincidence, wouldn't it? So I thought of Jeff in doing this show and it's about the different shows I've featured over the years, depending what you're looking for you can look in my archives. If you're new to my site, here's some of what I feature:
Ufos: Look for Marilyn Rueben, Jim Mahroney, David Twichell and Gord Heath, Frank Feschino.
Sasquatch and Dogman: Linda Godfrey, Lisa Shiel, Stan Gordon
Channeling: Roslyn McGrath, Joy Melchezidek
Astrology: Jen Howell
Crystal Skulls, healing, ancient teachings: Reverend Dr. Phil Delong
Angels: Reverend Debby Bergeon
Psychics: Dana Van Enkevort, Sarah Wiggens
![GEORGIE HOLBROOK ON JOHN OF GOD](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/45653/PIC-0110_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Jan 20, 2016
Wednesday Jan 20, 2016
Wednesday Jan 20, 2016
I've known Georgie Holbrook for a number of years now, dating back to when she helped me with a sick friend who was dying from cancer. I knew that she had her battle with Rosacea and conquered it. She has been a healer and we've worked together on a few projects over the years.
The other day I got an email from Georgie and she told me she went to see John Of God in Brazil. About a year ago I did a show with a woman who wrote a book called "Dog of God." The book was part fiction and part fact, the truth was that this woman who had both of legs severely injured and was told she would never walk again without crutches . . . would up walking again, she left her crutches behind! Georgie witnessed similar healings and much more, her real goal in going there was just to learn to become a better healer herself.
Now, how does this all work? Is this guy for real? I believe we can be healed using energy, why not, aren't we just energy to begin with? Of course I've also said we have to heal ourselves, haven't I? I guess I look to how Jesus did it, or how the Masters Of The Far East performed healings, you raise someone up to your level of consciousness/vibration and they in turn see what's wrong and correct it. I always believe that the choice is ours, no one can heal us if we don't wish to be healed, but someone who's enlightened can lift us to their level and we then can perceive, even if not consciously, how to respond. People heal themselves all the time we just don't hear about it. I once had a guy on my show told me after the interview that he traveled the world and once witnessed a shaman heal someone's broken leg without touching them. The big question is, do you believe? Are you open? Faith and belief can move mountains and create so called miracles.
![HEALING YOUR PAST LIVES](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/45653/PIC-0110_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
This week Sarah Wiggens joins me to talk about a group she works with who originally trained at Berkley California's Psychic Institute. Sarah's ability often has to do with looking into someone's past life to find answers for issues they may be dealing with today. She will demonstrate that on this show by looking at my previous times. From what I know of those times she's pretty spot on. Our show this week covers a range of topics, I find all light workers seem to have a similar understanding of the cosmos. Why is that? There isn't a metaphysical school that we all went to. No one came to my house with brochures. In my case I just picked it up over the years from different teachings, there just seems to be a universal truth, which by the way is very similar to many ancient indigenous truths. How can that be? It is just a knowing, teachings that have been around for millennia but have been lost for one reason or another.
I really believe our health is mostly affected by our thoughts mainly from this lifetime, but I also know that we could be carrying some baggage from another lifetime. Sarah can help you find out about your past and also help you release any trauma you may be carrying from another time. Send her an email if you're interested in finding out more: lightwork.intuition@gmail.com
![WHAT WILL 2016 BRING?](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/45653/PIC-0110_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
The following was sent to me as a channeled message from James Tyberonn.2016 - A Metatronic Overview
Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, and I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We are asked in this gathering to discuss the year ahead, year four of the new earth, 2016 in linear chronology. We wish to insert here, that what we offer in this channel are probabilities & potentials based on streams of probable realities within the formatted influence of astronomical gravities and mass thought fields of humanity. Let us be clear no one, no Angelic group, channel or individual may fully accurately foretell the future. And to be clear, that is not our intent. Indeed, by definition of laws in place for the duality realm of 3d, the future is ever fluid, the 3d realm is governed by free will and the resulting manifestation of reality is not fixed in any absolute terms on any individual level. But there are certain events that are in place, that indeed you have created, and are only separated from their 3d realization by space and time. And this is important for you to understand. The belief structures upon which humanity in mass (and individuals) base their lives so program your existence that often you outwardly deny what you inwardly know. So we wish to insert the caveat, a point we have made many times, that what you experience, is your creation. Yet there are certain occurrences in time, non-time & nature that are relatively fixed within the laws & physics of the physical ream and in the field of duality. The Ascension of humanity is one of these. Trending Planetary Astro-Influence in 2016 To be clear, we list the below in an interpretation of coding. As such the trending fields as shown below is from our stance, neither objective nor subjective relative to your current categories & systems of astrological analysis. Rather what we offer is based on resonance, not truly specific to or limited by geometric angles, for we sense aspectual influences as opposed to physical placement in linear time and space. Trending Planetary Influence & 2016 Astrological Linear Time Line
Now we offer not horoscopes, nor predictions, rather vibrational tones combined with coded inserts, and the latter is grasp by some but not as yet by the majority of astrologists in your current time. And as such our focus on this aspect will be brief and will not override the message we offer, for all astrological and astronomical gravities represent fields of energy, yet these are indicators, not the rule, for human will and individual fortitude is stronger than any astrological patterning. So with that in mind, we tell you that the influence pattern of Jupiter is enormous in 2016, and in over view & summation defines a prolific year of great shift and powerful realization. Neptune, Saturn and Uranus play key roles in 2016, influencing a year of deep consideration, contemplation and reclamation, with potent gravitational waves influencing practical requisite change. And we tell you Masters, these frequencial energies also uniquely combine to allow you to deal with any unresolved issues, and these must be faced both individually and in mass. Jupiter representing power, Saturn representing life purpose, Neptune & Uranus combining in representation of psychic and intuitive forces. The waves of Neptune & Saturn particularly in September of 2016 offer an opportunity for extraordinary clarity in understanding life purpose. In this essence, in the Mercury retro of September, beginning with the Solar Eclipse, a complete transitional reformation can evolve, with release of the old and upshift into a greater version of self. Neptune to Chiron in Pisces square Saturn in June and enter into the equinoxial eclipse phase in potent September. Accordingly the months of June & especially September are very powerful timings for old paradigm dissolving & inner realization. From the solar eclipse of 1 September up thru the energy of the September equinox, there are opportunities for complete reconstruction, of releasing old patterns and establishing a better self, a better life. In the last trimester of 2016, Jupiter makes for very powerful opportunities in the balancing vibration of Libra, and the sextiles of Saturn & Pluto. In this timing, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn are carrying coded energies, especially poignant from September thru December, aligned with the new energies of the planet and offering crystalline shift further into your lives. This offers opportune timing, in September and in November to step away from attitudinal obstacles and non-serving relationships, enabling greater sovereignty, self-reliance and acceptance of higher truth, in release of destructive habits, and disinformation. These are times for pilgrimage, and spirit based gatherings. As always the eclipses, solstices and equinoxes offer coded energies for renewal and contemplation. And these times are needed, for 2016 continues full speed ahead at a rapid pace into the resolution of unresolved energy. Eclipse Dates For 2016
Equinoxes & Solstices of 2016
Masters, we tell you again, and please take note, you are in a period of crucible astrology, and this patterning brings by purpose, by design, all unresolved energies to the surface in order for humanity, individually and in mass, to confront and resolve unsettled issues. You are in a historic phase of both intense clearing, further heightened by change, certain are fixed, in leading to 2038, and this of course requires great effort in resolving all unresolved conflicts and issues, in order to usher in the coming Golden Age. It is however, in 2016 thru 2020 an erratic oscillation, and the level of intensity, the frequencial bar will be raised, purposely upshifted with each eclipse, solstice and equinox. Yet these offer opportunities for recalibration, crysto upshift and re-charging. Such periods are essential for coding, and we urge you to use the timing opportunities we list, for rebooting and re-energizing, and not allow the intensities to overwhelm your energy field and fall into apathy or disillusion. These are powerful times, and you Earth-Keepers, Gridwerkers & Light workers, are valiantly pioneering and courageously anchoring the shift, navigating the oft tumultuous currents of the New Earth. Fixed Change Masters, you are in the midst of fixed change. Your earth is upshifting, and what is occurring in nature and in human activity, albeit seemingly tumultuous in your current linear time, has purpose. What is occurring in the reminder of 2015, and 2016 and beyond to key years of 2038 and 2075, humanity have chosen, and scripted in highest good. And that is something we are compelled to remind you to understand. For the fear that continues to take root, can become a disruptive force. It is an unnecessary disruption, which the wise among you, the seekers among you should in this time of transition, choose to wisely release. Do not allow fear to overcome you, for the enlightened among you must stand tall and project the well-being and light of that which is on track. The Raining & Quickening We are aware of the great flooding that has recently taken place within England, the United States and many regions across the planet. And as heartbreaking as these events have been, these are a natural phenomenon, and they have purpose which we will discuss, for these are important for you to understand in the quickening energy of the New Earth. And you must realize, that as your climate changes in what is termed as global warming, such occurrences will continue in 2016 and beyond. The ice caps will continue to melt, the seas will continue to warm & rise, air & ocean currents will shift, the balance of tectonics will readjust and quakes will occur, tsunami's will follow, rain patterns will change, floods, droughts, wildfires, tornadoes and super storms will persist. |
The true purpose of these storms is to increase the energy of the waters and to allow it to electrically expand. If these remain at sea, then the enormous electrical energy is simply transmuted in a relatively safe environ, and transmuted, conducted as current waves to a very great proportion of the planet. As such it is conducted to the land and peoples, not by wind and waves, but by its terrestrial energy current so that it may reach that many more beings.
So most simply react in fear to these events, and wish to be free of the anxiety. But to dissolve fear is not the same as confronting the greater reality by understanding the fear. Therefore the masses of humankind become charged in fear, and actually reinforce, amplify & re-create it. To dissolve or to dissipate natural events of re-balance and of change is not truly of benefit in the upshift, not to the earth and not to humanity.
Many are those who wish to 'save the planet' in your terms. But masters, the planet does not need salvation. Humanity cannot destroy the earth, nor the Omni earth. Do not misunderstand, part of your ascension is the wise stewardship of natural resources and the living kingdoms of the earth. But in many ways, the earth is far more conscious, far more advanced than is humanity at this time.
![LIFE BETWEEN LIFE](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/45653/PIC-0110_300x300.jpg)
Friday Dec 11, 2015
Friday Dec 11, 2015
Friday Dec 11, 2015
People will say to me, "I sure hope that I make to a good place when I die." Why wouldn't you? "Well my beliefs say this or they say that and therefore I may not be worthy enough to make it. If only there was some way to research it." People have, nobody talks about it, ever wonder why?
One book I read years ago was written by Dr. Joel Whitton and Joe Fisher called Life Between Life. Many hypnotherapists believe that in order to work out issues we have now, we need to go back to an early time in our childhood and remember an incident that we're keeping inside. In the 1980's Dr. Whitton did that and accidently regressed one of his patients back a little too far and guess what happened? The patient started describing what was going on before they came here. I believe Dr. Whitton did this with 100 patients before he wrote his book, all of the patients agreed to be a part of the experiment. So what did they find? A lot of similarities.
People are willing to trust near death experiences as possibly being true. Many will go to someone to find out their past lives. Why not go to someone who can tell you what happened in between. Wouldn't that be pretty solid evidence of what goes on after we die and before we come back? There seems to be evidence that when people have a near death experience they will be guided by religious figures, depending on their affiliation. How can that be? Maybe we see what we believe, at least at first. Atheists who've have N.D.E.'s don't see a religious figure but they all have contact with someone they would consider a supreme being. Now if you take those millions of encounters and add what you're about to hear about life between life, maybe it becomes a little more clear and the best thing to come out of it is that you have no fear and you don't worry about your loved ones. Can we move forward with our lives now?
![YOUR DRAGON GUIDE](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/45653/PIC-0110_300x300.jpg)
Friday Nov 06, 2015
Friday Nov 06, 2015
Friday Nov 06, 2015
I co-host this show with Joy Melchezidek. Okay, we have spirit guides, right? Animal guides, right? Do we have dragon guides? Did dragons even exist at one time? Like all legends and myths, I believe there is always an original truth and while this show may stretch your beliefs who's to say what exists and doesn't exist. Joy talks to Linda Gareh Applegate who has learned how to communicate with our dragon spirit guides. I find it interesting and certainly possible.
Our movies are trying to tell us the truth. Lord Of The Rings, The Hobbit, etc. While much of it leaves it open to interpretation, there is an underlying truth in almost all ancient teachings, there are other realms. And in these realms exist a number of creatures or beings that may once have walked between 2 worlds and like some of the movies suggest, they went into hiding because things got bad in the physical world. And what do I mean by "bad", the earth became a place of darkness, but not just that, it also became a place of lies and lost beliefs, all meant to control us. And by golly, it's worked! Until now, now the voices that have been silent are speaking up, now they are being heard.
![PSYCHIC SCHOOL](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/45653/PIC-0110_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Oct 14, 2015
Wednesday Oct 14, 2015
Wednesday Oct 14, 2015
Brandaleen Johnson has been on my show before, we talked about how she's started working with others to develop their gifts. This week 3 of her students, along with Brandaleen, join me for a unique and interesting show. Shanda is in contact with angels, Theresa is clairaudient, Stacie is an empath. Each of these gifted women have their own set of abilities that can be used in helping others.
Brandaleen really didn't start doing any of this until a few years ago when she moved away from Vegas to Traverse City Michigan, which is just across the lake from where I'm at. She believes it was moving to a more natural place that allowed her to get in touch with her own gifts. So can anyone learn how to do what these women do? Absolutely.
Thursday Oct 08, 2015
Thursday Oct 08, 2015
Thursday Oct 08, 2015
Dana Vanenkenvort joins me again this time to talk about his abduction experiences. Some of you will not think this is real, yet thousands have had similar experiences. The first book I read about abductions was by Whitley Streiber, Communion. At first it seems a little scary but like anything the more you dig and research the more answers you find, if we just take the time to listen to others.
Some people have had unpleasant experiences when they were taken. I have several shows on my site dealing with that. Check out Jim Maroney and Marilyn Rueben if you want to hear other stories dealing with abductions. Dana's most recent experience was not pleasant, some even say that the Greys are harming us, or using and abusing us. Others say that they are totally helping us while we are helping them procreate and bring emotion back into their race. I know this from talking to Marilyn Rueben, all experiences are different and I've been told the way you react to them will effect how they treat you. It is both of our opinion's that they are here to help us, as we are them.
Dana's website: www.spiritualmedium.co
![INNER KNOWING](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/45653/PIC-0110_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Oct 03, 2015
Saturday Oct 03, 2015
Saturday Oct 03, 2015
Like many who listen to this program I grew up with a religious upbringing, I was confirmed in the Lutheran Church. While I liked some of the teachings a lot of it just didn't speak to my soul. There were so many things I believed that the church would never approach. At an early age I believed in reincarnation, I also believed in UFO's. I never had a heart to heart with him about those topics although he was a good man who I felt in his own mind was doing God's work. And many associated with churches and those beliefs are truly good people who are trying to make this a better world. With that said there are those who are not what they represent and use their pulpits for control, guilt and fear. The being that's called God from my own experience in only a being of incredible unconditional love. A being that is always creating, as are we, since we are his/her ultimate creation.
My friend Andy has been wanting to come on this show and share some of his experiences and beliefs and I am always interested in what others have to say, and what I like about Andy is that he's a thinker and is open minded. Andy grew up in a Catholic family and has had some unusual experiences pertaining to that, but he also has stepped away from his religious teachings. He didn't like all the control, guilt and the number of things you had to do in order to be considered a good Catholic. This is not an attack on Catholics, or any religion, or anyone's beliefs, I am not here to do a show like that. Instead it is just an open conversation between two friends who are willing to look all possibilities and I find that people of Andy's generation just seem to have an inner knowing that there's something more. His generation is not afraid to speak their mind clearly while I was told to keep quiet about these things.
This leads to another question, why are so many now more self aware? The internet? Could it also be that we are in a time now where enlightenment is at our fingertips? Why is that? From what you've heard from my guests over and over, the veil is lifting, we are becoming more psychic beings.
![SEPTEMBER CHANGES](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/45653/PIC-0110_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
I don't know about you but something is going on this month. I haven't been able to sleep since the start of it. I wake up at midnight, or 1, or 2 am, and I have a tough time going back to sleep. Stress? No I don't think so. My body has felt different too, what the heck is going on? Many are saying we are getting bombarded with gamma rays and other celestial energies. Is this having an effect on us? I think so. Some are pointing to September 28th as a day of potential big change, what may happen? Some say it will be a day of ascension, some say it will a day of great chaos, what once was will no longer be. Are we talking total collapse? Some may believe that, I don't. There are so many sources out there, who do you trust? I trust the ones that don't add to the fear and chaos, we need to remember that even where there appears to be truth there is disinformation. Fear has been a ruling factor of this planet for so long, it literally feeds certain beings. So what is going on with the planet? And with us? Most I talk to will agree we are going through a spiritual change, an evolutional change, it has been a prophecy foretold by the ancients.
On short notice Jen Howell came in to talk what we can expect from all of these solar flares pounding us, and all of the astrological signs effecting us. In short, don't panic, it's not the end, it's all part of the great shift that is pushing us towards greater self love. Thank you Jen.