
Friday Jan 17, 2025
Lights In The Sky
Friday Jan 17, 2025
Friday Jan 17, 2025
Last Thursday on my way to work I saw some strange lights in the sky. I was traveling west and I glanced up over the trees and I would guess less than a half mile from me were these series of lights that were right next to each other, maybe a dozen or more lights. They looked like individual white headlights, like someone glued a bunch of them together and hung them in the sky just above the trees. I have never seen anything like this before. Maybe it was Star-Link? Well, that's further away than these would be and not nearly as bright. Imagine driving at night and someone gets within a hundred yards of you, you know the size of the headlight? That's what it looked like. Close and very bright. What could that be? Venus? That was meant as a joke. More drones or orbs? Possibly. A government craft that most of us are not aware of? Possibly. Or something else? Hmm... This is the 4th time in my life I've seen something I can't explain in the sky. Is this connected to what I said in my last show? I don't know. Please use discretion if you choose to listen. The picture above it the closest thing I could find to what I saw last week.

Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
What Lies Ahead in 2025?
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
There are lots of predictions out there for this year, some good, some not so good. It seems like more and more strangeness is being reported including those drone sightings. What are they? Where do they come from? According to News Nation they've been seen all over the world. Well that is interesting. Yet we can't seem to find out where they are from. How can that be. We are told they are not a threat, doesn't that sound like the same way they treat UFO sightings? So what's going on? I've found a couple sources who are independent of each other but are saying very similar things about what is going to happen this year. Please listen at your own discretion, in this episode I talk about Earth's Ascention, the Galactic Alliance, Alex Collier, Ismael Perez, Golden Age Of Gaia and other things I've been picking up on. The only reason I presented this was that maybe some of these sources will give you some answers. I really sense, like both Renata and I have felt, that this could be a year of great changes. Does anyone else feel that way?

Friday Dec 20, 2024
Renata Maniaci- Recovering in North Carolina, Moments and Tipping Points
Friday Dec 20, 2024
Friday Dec 20, 2024
I enjoy going to Renata Maniaci's podcast and listening to her different segments. So much of what she says rings true to me, sometimes it challenges me to see things in a different way. While most of the time I would say Renata and I speak a very similar language, I always feel it's good to have another perspective. I like that Ren is open and humble and even admits she doesn't have all the answers, who does? She is always positive and uplifting.
This interview explores the aftermath in North Carolina where Renata spends most of her time. What's really going on, are people still suffering? Also, a couple of shows she did caught my ear. One was called "Is This The Moment" and it was in reference to the attempted presidential assassination earlier this summer, she felt it was a huge sign and shift in conciousness. Also she did a show called "Tipping Point" which I took away as a moment that we are beginning to see mass awakening amongst the populace. This isn't about politics, this is about our spiritual evolution which many of us feel is happening at a greater pace right now than ever before. Where is this all leading? From my perspective; the truth, and that shall set us free.
What I think doesn't matter, use your own discretion. Below is Renata's website if you want to hear more.

Thursday Sep 12, 2024
The Last Election
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
This is not political. This had nothing to do with the debate, perhaps even the 2 candidates. About 3 weeks ago I had a thought pop in my head, "This will be the last election." Maybe it's just a thought and it means nothing, or maybe it's a message. I know it's not wise to make predictions, from what I believe the future is not set in stone. People that do make predictions often have to back pedal when they get it wrong. How many times have we seen that? Let's just say that maybe this is a message, is it something to be afraid of? I didn't take it that way, actually I saw it as just the opposite. The feeling that came with that message was very calming, like I was being shown that things are about to change. So what's around the corner? I don't know, do you?

Thursday May 30, 2024
She Rises Up
Thursday May 30, 2024
Thursday May 30, 2024
My guest is Maureen Tusty, documentary film maker and co-owner of Sky Films. I got an email about a week ago from a promoter asking if I was interested in interviewing one of the producers of a film called She Rises Up. As I read about the film, I was really drawn in. She Rises Up is the story of 3 different women in 3 different poorer countries who are trying to create businesses and create a better life. According to Maureen, over 1/3 of the world won't let women own their own businessess, and in many countries they can't even work because there are very few jobs and those limited jobs will go to men first. Maureen and her husband James make films that inform, inspire and uplift, I definitely agree after watching She Rises Up. Imagine not having hope, or have the ability to make a better world for yourself. Imagine unthinkable poverty. Yet, through all of that, there are those who have great drive and belief to "rise up" against the odds. These kind of films humble me, remind me to be grateful, and I also feel connect me to others around the globe. It's easy to stay focused in our own little world but it is so nice to see outside of that, are we are all not one? Thank you to Maureen and her husband James for producing material that inspires, uplifts, and informs. Find out more at:

Friday Feb 16, 2024
Climate Change? Or Something Else?
Friday Feb 16, 2024
Friday Feb 16, 2024
This is the warmest winter that I've ever seen here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Normally we have some very cold winters that seem to last several months. This year is different. Normally by November we have cold weather and snow, we didn't have snow up here for Christmas. We've had maybe 3 storms, at least in this area with not a lot of snow. In January all the snow was melted and it wasn't until the other day when we got snow that covered the grass. Very unusual to see grass this time of year. Our temperatures have been well above normal this winter. What's going on?
I have found there are 3 main theories that most people believe. Climate change, Earth changes and weather manipulation. I'm not here to tell anyone what to believe, but if I bought what I was told by our experts I could might be panicking right now. Instead I'm not. I'm at peace and perhaps there may be other truths we are not aware of.

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Almost 2 years ago my wife and I stayed with our friends Keith and Laurie for a week in southern Arizona. They go out there every winter and we sometimes go there to visit and to enjoy nicer weather. During out visit my wife and her friend Laurie witnessed a condor swoop down in the backyard just a few feet from them. Condors are very rare in Arizona, they might be a little more common in California. Right a way I kind of had an idea of what this could mean, condors are associated with death. Both my wife and her friend had a parent that were getting closer to passing and we knew it. My father in law would pass later year and now Laurie's mother, Carol, has made her transition. At the time I didn't tell either of them what I thought the condor meant, I just told them it was a defininte sign and maybe it had another meaning as well. This brings me full circle to my friend Mike who is getting close as well and while a mutual friend want to try to assist him in some way to stop his suffering, it reminds me of what I learned from my native friends back in 2007 and what the intent of a native prayer is. So I'll talk about that and see if you're interested in being a part of something. What? I'll explain.
Also, I want to share what I learned about celery through my own first hand experience. Judging by the title you may have thought the condor ate the celery, the 2 are not connected but 2 different stories. I had carpal tunnel real bad 6 years ago and got an energy treatment that seemed amazing. It totally healed my carpal tunnel. What I failed to realize that celery played a role in that as well. How? I stopped eating celery and noticed the pain coming back. I started up again and the pain is gone. Coincidence?
Love and joy!

Friday Nov 03, 2023
World Events
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
What is going on? Are we heading towards a bigger conflict? Who can we trust to tell us the truth? There was a time I would have been wrapped up in a lot of this, and maybe only looked at one side. I might have been quite worried. I am not now. I still hold to the belief that much of what we see is orchestrated, often to shift perception. All I can do is focus on love and send it out, regardless of what is true and what is not true.

Friday Sep 08, 2023
For All The Truth Seekers
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
I would guess that most of us are seeking some kind of truth, especially early in life. We ask so many questions, often questions that frustrate our parents. We want to know "why." At some point many of us latch onto something and we stop asking why. It's like that scene in one of my favorite movies, Close Encounters, where Richard Dreyfus refused to stop until he found what he was looking for. I feel that same way. Why do I feel so strong about this? I don't know. Are you that way too? There are so many options out there today with the internet, how do we know what's true or not? Who can we trust? First and foremost it should be ourselves in my opinion. I think our intuition guides us if we allow it. I think to find truth we have to let go of what we think it is, we need to be open. We have to look at both and all sides. Even then, we still may not know and just have to let it go for a day when something else will line up and it will all make sense. So much is going on in our world right now and if I didn't see things the way I do, I guess I would be quite concerned. One could be very frightened by all that is going on and all that we're being told. Or maybe there is something more. As always, use your own discretion.

Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Not What We Were Told
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
My podcast has been about focusing on the positive. Keeping our vibrations high for what may be coming. I think I may do some shows about topics that need to be addressed. Please use your discretion and skip this show if it doesn't feel right. I've known one of these 3 people for some time and always have had pleasant conversations. We often have quite a few good laughs. My 3 guests work in a profession that allowed them to see some things during and after Covid. We were told the shots would be effective. We were told they keep us from getting sick. We were told that the shots would prevent us from spreading Covid. We were also told, they were safe. If someone spoke out about this, or even another alternative option, they were shut down. Doesn't that seem odd? I've talked to many about this, and maybe it's just a coincidence. Many have had major side effects from "the Jab" and some may have passed from it's side effects. How do you prove any of that? Now, I have 3 people that work in that field and have the courage to speak the truth. They can't prove it either but they sure found a lot of strange coincidences. Jane does make a good point about natural immunity. She also makes a good point about the jab appearing to change people. I changed their names to protect them. Remember the hatred at those who refused the jab? These people risked their jobs to avoid the jab, now why do you think that is? Also, we get on the topic of ufo's and Carol has a video that is about as authentic as any I've seen. Why are so many seeing craft now? Why is the government admitting to U.A.P.s? Are these things all connected? I think they are. Now some may panic and I just look at it as; we are being shown the truth. What is it going to take to wake us up?
Some of you got the jab and might be worried. Ask to be healed or seek out natural options. Or like some suggest, not all of the jabs were toxic.